Elisabeth musical

Venue: Budapesti Operettszínház
Date: Folyamatosan
The musical Elisabeth has achieved an unbroken run of success in Hungary lasting ten years. Today, it enjoys a genuine cult status.
Elisabeth remains one of the best known women in modern European history.As queen consort of Emperor Franz Josef and a symbol in her own lifetime she raised the cult of beauty to perfection, was celebrated around the world, had a hand in writing history, loved riding, travelled extensively, penned poetry in secret and finally met a tragic end.
The musical speaks of someone very close to us The work absors the audience,making them both laugh and cry, and goes beyond the girl's own storybook picture of “Sissi" and happy nostalgia of the pre-WorldWar One period to plumb the depths of the Elisabeth legend: an eternal longing for freedom, the breathtaking myth of one individual's liberty.
Ticket prices 1400, 2200, 2500, 5000, 5700, 6500, 8000, 10000 HUF