WOMEN’S EHF FINAL4 - Női kézilabda

Venue: Papp László Sportaréna Budapest
Date: 2015.05.9-10.
A 2014-es sikeres bemutatkozás után a WOMEN’S EHF FINAL4 újra Budapestre érkezik, immáron második alkalommal. Két napon keresztül Európa 4 legjobb női kézilabda klubja verseng a végső győzelemért, a Bajnokok Ligája trófeáért.
Az esemény május 9-én, szombaton a két elődöntővel kezdődik a Papp László Budapest Sportarénában, majd a bronzmérkőzéssel és a várva várt döntővel folytatódik május 10-én vasárnap. A kitűnő kézilabda mérkőzések mellett számos egyéb szórakoztató program várja a kilátogató szurkolókat a csarnokon kívül és belül egyaránt, mint például a szurkolói falu és a látványos mérkőzés megnyitók.
The WOMEN’S EHF FINAL4 is the highlight of European club handball.
Over two days the four best women’s teams in Europe vie for the continent’s crown in women’s handball.
The event will take place in the Papp László Budapest Sportaréna on 9/10 May 2015.
…to meet Europe´s best
Only the best teams and the most excellent players reach the WOMEN´S EHF FINAL4 after a tough and challenging season. This is your chance not only to see them play, but also ask for autographs and maybe – if you’re lucky – even high-five them after the matches.
…to live and breathe handball
Never before has a handball match been such an amazing experience. You will feel like almost being on the court yourself, the spotlight focussing straight in your face when you enter the field of play. You will hear the players shouting from one end of the court to the other – but it feels like as if they were shouting directly at you. And when your favourite team scores and wins, you know that coming here has been the right decision.
…to cheer as loud as you have never done before
The WOMEN’S EHF FINAL4 is not the place to settle back in your comfy chair and relax. Your team will need your support, if it wants to go all the way to the top of the podium. So cheer, scream, wave and clap as loud as possible – be sure the players down at the court will hear it and get this extra boost they might need.
…to experience a unique show
The shows before every game, the music that is pumping, the performances on court, the thrill of four do-or-die matches – all this culminates over two days and when the final whistle blown, emotions burst out. The WOMEN’S EHF FINAL4 is something you don’t want to miss.
9990Ft, 19990Ft, 27990Ft, 39990Ft
cca. 35 EUR, 65 EUR, 90 EUR, 130 EURÓ