Voca People concert 2016

Venue: Országosan
Date: 2016. 12. 27. ( kedd )
Voca People concert Budapest, Debrecen, Győr, Szeged 2016
The Voca People are friendly aliens from the planet Voca, somewhere behind the sun...where all communication is made by music and vocal expressions. The Voca People believe that life is music and music is life. They visit planet Earth and they have a lot to sing about.
A new inter-galactic phenomenal like no other show. Amazing vocal sounds, accapella singing with the art of beat box creating an incredible range of sounds and instruments. An evening of total excitement, music of all times, comedy and audience participation. After a millennium of space travel, The Voca People, are finally landing on the unfamiliar planet Earth, sadly discovering that their precious spaceship charger - Musical energy - has completely emptied.
Slowly, The Voca People learn the strange habitants, habits and music of planet Earth, and with the help of the audience, musically energize their unique spaceship.
Voca People concert tickets here!